Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 2 - Almost done!

Week 2 has gone well. I did some cross-training (dance fusion class) Tuesday night, and on Wednesday I bought a shiny new pair of specially fitted running shoes and fancy-shmancy socks from Fleet Feet. That place is so awesome. My salesman was incredibly helpful and didn't pressure me to buy a bunch of stuff. I'll definitely be back.

Ran again last night (but not in the new shoes yet - need to break them in) and used the 5K training module on the treadmill since it was raining. That was definitely challenging, but in a good way. It simulates a more realistic run outside with different inclines. I am noticing that it's hard to get through the first 7-8 minutes (particularly through minutes 4-6) but after that I get into a zone and it becomes easier - enjoyable, even. Well, until I cranked up the treadmill to 5.0 mph and the 5K trainer decided to jack me up to 4.5% elevation right at the end of the year... that was interesting. I tried to do the elliptical for a bit afterward, but my right knee was bothering me, so I stopped after about 7 minutes.

I was excited, though, that I didn't have to stop and walk as much today. I was able to keep the speed at 4.8 mph for the vast majority of the run and that bump to 5 mph was challenging, but not overwhelming.

Kelley is going to run with me tomorrow - it's another 1.75er and I'm hoping we'll be able to do it outside, although it will definitely be cold. T-2 weeks until the winter warriors training begins!

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