Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 5 Update and Week 6 Starting!

Wow, can't believe I've been at this for a solid month and a half!

Last week went very well. I recruited the lovely Reva to run with me and she did an awesome job! We ran on Monday and again on Thursday and kept up a very steady pace right around 5 mph. Then obviously I ran again Saturday with Winter Warriors. This time I was up at the front of the pack from the half point til the end of the race. 6 miles! Can't believe it! And I even got up before work 2 days in a row last week to go to the gym - very tough, but totally worth it (and had a great date Wednesday night, hence the reason for all the rearranging :) )

I also felt much better in general last week - not nearly as sore during the week, much more energy, etc. So that was a definite improvement!

This week we've got a run tonight (on my own), cross-training tomorrow night and Thursday morning, and a run on Wednesday night with Winter Warriors. Wonder if I can maybe move up to the 11:30 pace group soon...?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Week 4 Wrap-Up

Wow, this week was tough.

After my run on Monday I was a little sore, but I went to dance class Tuesday night anyway - probably not the best idea. Sure enough, when I woke up on Wednesday I could barely move. Nevertheless, I ran again that night and spent the next 2 days paying for it. Every step on Thursday and Friday was punctuated by shooting pains in my quads. Wearing heels was out of the question on Thursday night when I went out, and I stayed out/up way too late that night - oops. So by last night, I was in my pjs by 5:45 and knew that an easy night in was pretty much required at that point.

I'm definitely still learning my way around runners' nutrition. I consistently want to eat EVERYTHING in sight - I've gained back some of the weight I lost over the year, which doesn't make me very happy, but I know this will get easier. Last night for dinner I had chicken tenders, some pasta with a mild tomato/cheese sauce, and a few cookies. I was a little concerned I wouldn't be able to eat this morning before I ran, but I had a slice and a half of cinnabon toast with a little peanut butter and a bit of milk and water as well. That seemed to be a good combination - I felt good through most of the run today.

Speaking of the run... today was the first big group run at fleet feet. Just before 7am I was on the 36 bus making my way down to Piper's Alley. I don't even get up this early for work, so it was a shock to the system - but definitely made easier by the early night last night (I fell asleep around 10:30) and the fact that I am really starting to enjoy running. I wasn't really sure what to expect and didn't really feel like talking to anyone - I almost left my iPod at Fleet Feet during the run which would have been a HUGE mistake as no one really talked during the run.

I started out at the back of the pack. For someone with an admittedly pretty high competitive streak, this was sort of frustrating. It was warmer than we anticipated today and I had to shed a top layer about 1/4 of the way through our run. After the halfway mark things went a little better for me. Even though I'm slow, I have pretty decent endurance built up from soccer and working out this year - and by the end of the run I was closer to the front of the group with the lead pacer. This definitely made me feel good, although I'll admit that those last 10 minutes were very tough. The final hill back up to LaSalle/North Ave was especially difficult. I just dug in and gave it everything I had, and luckily we had to wait for the light to change at the top, so I had a few seconds to catch my breath. It was definitely intense, and I definitely was tired - but I felt so good about finishing and doing okay!

Tomorrow I have to play soccer - likely the last game this season - glad not to be dealing with that anymore this week as it's just too much with the training. Looking forward to taking it easy during the day tomorrow before the game, though.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 4!

Alright, so I've been at this for (almost) a solid month... yay! Every week it gets a tiny bit easier.

Today I went to Sports Authority and got some proper running gear - running tights, a base layer tee, a hooded outer layer and a headband. I also wore my new running shoes for the first time. I'm not sure if it was the clothes, the shoes, the fact that I finally had a little Smart Tag ID, or some combination of all 3 - but I felt absolutely fantastic on my run tonight.

Realistically it probably had the most to do with my training method. I went to the Winter Warriors kickoff meeting yesterday and they gave us our schedules. Tonight's assignment: warm up by walking for 5 minutes, then do intervals of running 5 minutes followed by walking 1 minute, for 42 minutes - and of course a 5-minute cooldown. I went down to the path by the lake for the first time. It was disconcertingly dark at some points, which admittedly made me a bit nervous - but I LOVED running by the water and seeing how gorgeous the skyline looked all lit up at night. It was absolutely stunning. And the weather? A bit airish, but with my new running gear I didn't even notice.

I am so happy to finally get in a good run outside and can't wait for the first group run this weekend - even though I'm fairly certain I'll be one of the slowest people there...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 3 Update

Alright, 2 days of running down this week, 1 to go. Had a great run Monday night - I was able to go for 8 minutes without slowing down, cranked up the speed on the last 5 minutes and really felt good. Last night, though, it was a little harder and I struggled a bit after 3-4 minutes. I think this was probably because I didn't eat anything around 3 or 4 like I usually do, since I had a big lunch yesterday. I'm wondering how tomorrow's run will go since I'm currently EXHAUSTED from a crazy week and from staying out way too late last night - though last night's fun is definitely worth being tired today. :)

I still haven't gotten to wear my new running shoes - I don't think they're broken in quite enough yet. I'm hoping I'll be able to use them next week. The Winter Warriors orientation session is Sunday morning at 9am. The day after Halloween... yeah... this should be festive.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 2 - DONE!

Went for my last run of the week yesterday and was pretty proud of myself. I did a lot better on time (solid 12 minute mile even when I had to stop to walk, which was more often than Thursday's run - probably had something to do with those 3 glasses of wine I had Friday night - ooooops) and did my second run outside. I have to say that I really am so surprised at how much harder it is to run outside! I'm still having trouble pacing myself at the beginning of the outside runs but I guess that will get easier with time.

I also officially signed up for the Winter Warriors training group. Boy, this is going to be an adventure for sure. They ask you all kinds of questions about how long you've been running, how far you run on average, etc. - they're probably going to look at my answers and be like "Is this girl for real?" LOL! The website specifically says that this is for runners of all levels, though - so I think it will be OK, and I really don't care how slow I am as long as I FINISH the race!

I'm in the process of breaking in my new running shoes - I guess you're supposed to wear them around the house and when doing errands for a few days - I'm really hoping I can wear them for a run later this week. We'll see!

2 weeks down... definitely feeling good :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 2 - Almost done!

Week 2 has gone well. I did some cross-training (dance fusion class) Tuesday night, and on Wednesday I bought a shiny new pair of specially fitted running shoes and fancy-shmancy socks from Fleet Feet. That place is so awesome. My salesman was incredibly helpful and didn't pressure me to buy a bunch of stuff. I'll definitely be back.

Ran again last night (but not in the new shoes yet - need to break them in) and used the 5K training module on the treadmill since it was raining. That was definitely challenging, but in a good way. It simulates a more realistic run outside with different inclines. I am noticing that it's hard to get through the first 7-8 minutes (particularly through minutes 4-6) but after that I get into a zone and it becomes easier - enjoyable, even. Well, until I cranked up the treadmill to 5.0 mph and the 5K trainer decided to jack me up to 4.5% elevation right at the end of the year... that was interesting. I tried to do the elliptical for a bit afterward, but my right knee was bothering me, so I stopped after about 7 minutes.

I was excited, though, that I didn't have to stop and walk as much today. I was able to keep the speed at 4.8 mph for the vast majority of the run and that bump to 5 mph was challenging, but not overwhelming.

Kelley is going to run with me tomorrow - it's another 1.75er and I'm hoping we'll be able to do it outside, although it will definitely be cold. T-2 weeks until the winter warriors training begins!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Beginning of Week 2 and It's a Doozy...

So this is the first day of week 2. Since the weather is gorgeous for a change (62 degrees!!!) I decided to run outside today for the first time since I started training a week ago. I found an iPhone app called RunKeeper that uses the GPS to track your time and distance - how great is that?! (And so much cheaper than buying one of those personal Garmins...)

The run was hard today - 1.75 miles felt much longer, and probably was due to the fact that I had some slight technical difficulties with my new iPhone app. It said I went 1.85 miles averaging 4.51 mph, but I think it was probably closer to 2 miles because it inadvertently paused itself during the run which took me a few minutes to realize. I had to walk at several points - I think I started too fast - how am I supposed to know how fast I'm going until RunKeeper tells me!? I mean, I wasn't sprinting or anything, but I was probably running closer to 6-7 mph for the first 3-4 minutes and then got very winded. My muscles are a little achey/tight already despite stretching afterward - I can tell I'm going to be sore tomorrow which means dance class is going to be tough again. We'll see how it goes. :)

I definitely felt really good when I finished running. I am trying to push myself and take it, quite literally, one block at a time. When I feel really tired, I try to push myself just one more block.

update in a couple of days...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week 1 Summary

I figured out that I can train for a 5K that's the first Saturday in October and that the last week of that training regimen is the same as the first week of the training regimen for the half - woot! So I'll be running the Santa Shuffle on December 5.

This week went fairly well. I ran 1.5 miles on Monday and Thursday, took my dance fusion/bootcamp class on Tuesday, did a TON of walking in NYC Friday and Saturday, and did a brisk walk for 35 minutes and some weight training today. I was amazed by how great I felt after I finished my run on Thursday morning. Hoping that keeps up and this keeps feeling easier and easier, and hopefully I can get a respectable time in the 5K!

Will update again in a couple of days...

Monday, October 12, 2009

And so it begins...

Yesterday I saw the most inspiring event I've witnessed in a long time - several friends and acquaintances ran the Chicago marathon. The mercury was below freezing at race time, but they would not be swayed - months and months of training had lead up to this very moment.

As I watched the crowds weave through my neighborhood, I couldn't help but become emotional. Onlookers cheered for complete strangers, aided by the names the runners had adorned their shirts with using iron-on decals, masking tape, and stickers. Some members of the crowd high-fived the marathoners as they made their way past, and the looks on the runners' faces were indescribable. Amazing, too, were the friends and families of the participants, who stood in the freezing cold searching for their loved ones as the crowds surged past, holding posters with messages of encouragement and love. Several runners stopped when they spotted boyfriends, girlfriends, moms and dads, and grabbed quick hugs, doled out kisses, high-fived friends, and took pictures before running off again. The street became littered with water bottles, "goo" packets, and the occasional glove or hat.

And afterward, when I met up with my friends for a post-marathon party at one runner's house, they all wore their medals with pride - talked of their soreness as a badge of courage - ice baths were de rigeur, drinking beer a must in the post-race glow of glory. Most of them were wearing some evidence of their great achievement - medal, tshirt - others drank from glasses bearing the logo of one of the race sponsors. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous... and then it hit me: I could do this, too. Next year, this can be me!

To be honest, I've never been one for something like training for a marathon. In fact, before this year, you could say I was downright lazy as an adult. Even though I grew up playing soccer and taking dance, by the time I finished college, I wasn't doing a whole lot in terms of being active. I did eventually start playing soccer again in a social league, but any calories burned in a game were usually counteracted by tons of beer at a bar afterward. I was perfectly content to go home after work each night, promptly change into pajamas and spend the rest of the night lounging on the couch with a glass of wine. I saw a friend run the NYC marathon in 2007, and I had a similar reaction to what I experienced in 2009 in Chicago - I wanted to run, but at the time I felt like I was so out of shape there was no way I could ever do it.

I had an unfortunate wake-up call after the holidays in 2008 - I was looking at pictures from my vacation and couldn't help but feel a little sick. I was a shadow of the formerly thin, active girl of my youth. Things had to change. I made the same resolution that probably 95% of people make each year - I would go to the gym regularly and lose at least 10 pounds. I would guess 85% of the people who make that resolution don't keep it. I did. I started working out around 3-4 times a week in addition to my weekly soccer game, and I changed my eating habits to start being more healthy. In about six months, I lost around 18 pounds.

Now I feel as though I've hit a plateau with my current activities - elliptical for 30 minutes, weight training, dance class once a week, and soccer, for now. So this is perfect timing to do something different - something BIG - something I NEVER would have thought I could do until now. I'm going to run a half-marathon in Birmingham in February, and if that goes well, I'll run the Chicago marathon in October 2010. And you, my friends, will be with me every step of the way. I started this blog to give myself a sense of accountability - if I have people to answer to, I'll be more motivated to actually finish this crazy process.

I did some research today and found out that before starting a training regimen, I need to be able to run 30 minutes without stopping - and this needs to be happening for at least a month. I did this once a few months ago, but I know I need to be able to do it more consistently/not just on a whim. I figure I can do 15 minute runs for a week, then next week go up to 20, the next week up to 25, and then finally 30 - and then if all goes well, I can start my training regimen for Birmingham the week of November 9. I'm definitely a little nervous about running outside in the cold, but I know I obviously can't train for a marathon by only running on a treadmill (though my prissy self certainly wishes that was the case, as running in the Chicago winter does NOT sound appealing at all!)

So tonight, I went to the gym and ran for 15 minutes. I averaged around 4.8 mph - admittedly a bit slow, especially for such a short run, but you have to start somewhere. Hopefully in a few months I'll look back on this and be like, "Wow... I'm doing so much better now!" I've never been a big fan of running, and I think that's because I've never been in really fantastic shape (with the exception of the year I was on dance team in junior high school). I know this is going to be tough. I felt like my lungs were going to explode, and my soccer knees were not loving the running either - a trip to Fleet Feet for a proper fitting of running shoes is definitely in my immediate future.

Even though I was tired when I finished my workout and could tell I might be a tiny bit sore tomorrow, I also am so excited to begin this new journey and hope you enjoy me sharing it with you. Any tips or words of encouragement? I'd love to hear them!